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Mininglamp Technology has implemented a comprehensive data privacy protection mechanism and data ethics framework to guide its data collection, processing and storage activities.
Mininglamp Technology has implemented comprehensive data privacy protection mechanisms and data ethics frameworks to guide its data collection and processing activities. The company is committed to protecting customer data and personal information, adhering strictly to laws, regulations, and relevant requirements. It opposes data abuse and any illegal manipulation of data and upholds the security baseline of data applications.
Original data must be encrypted before input and is thoroughly deleted after computation to prevent information leakage.
All data handled through the platform is de-identified or anonymized to prevent the identification of specific individuals by users of such data, safeguarding privacy.
The entire process of data processing is electronically recorded and saved in real-time, which can be audited and supervised at any time.
The platform minimizes the impact on computational performance, is user-friendly, algorithm-compatible, highly efficient and economically viable.
Mininglamp Technology applies data privacy technologies to multiple scenarios of marketing intelligence and operaitonal intelligence.
Data collection
The product does not collect personal voiceprint information. Audio data undergoes de-identification, voice alteration, and encryption processing. It does not store un-de-identified original audio, and the de-identified audio is regularly deleted at the customer’s request and cannot be restored.
Data transmission
Original files are encrypted during transmission, sent using the HTTPS protocol, and are not copiable.
Data storage and access control
The system uses strict authorization and physical separation to protect data. Sensitive audio can be deleted if collected by mistake. Customer data remains secure and private.
Security certification
Certified to meet stringent security standards, Lingting provides comprehensive protection for data security, network security, and physical security.
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